britney spears mit schlechten griff innen kleiderschrank

PLEASE learn how to dress!!!!! This is beyond bad. I know being pregnant is uncomfortable, but there are so many cute things to wear that are made for your expanding waistline and growing boobs, just CUT THE SH*T WITH THE GETUPS!!!!!!



"At 1:07 PM, monkeymama said... Them boobs are ready for some breastfeedin'. They look ready to explode."

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must know

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aba ich mußte doch noch die ganze Seite lesn...hier:

At 11:21 PM, Mia_2005 said... Personally I think she goes without the bra all the time now because she is really happy that she finally has boobs. I kinda felt the same way when I was preggo although I DID wear a bra.

I can't figure out though why her boobs already point south (you can tell from her nips) when she is in her 20s and hasn't actually had the kid yet. Not to mention they are topedo-shaped now for some reason? Sorry but if mine were that weird I would not be showing them off no matter how big they are.

Ich dachte, üba sowas machn sich nur XY Traeger gedanken...

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internetz vleicht

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das dachte ich auch als erstes: was is mit den titten , wieso sind die so tuetenfoermig?

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die sind halt so

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woher wollen Sie das denn wissen


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die sind auch noch

unegal, eine zeigt in die falsche richtung. das kommt davon, wenn man mal kein wonderbra traegt.

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Falsche Richtung? Diese Art Kompaßnadeln zeigen immer in den richtigen Weg.

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mein Sie, die biegt gleich ab

nach links?

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ich würde sagen, sie landet gerade

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